I’m Looking For Your Stories on Giftedness and Twice-Exceptionality

I am in the process of gathering stories and experiences of gifted and twice-exceptional families for my upcoming book on giftedness and twice-exceptionality with GHF Press. This book will focus on the challenges and myths surrounding giftedness and twice-exceptionality. (Yes, I am super-excited and super-terrified to be writing a book!)

I'm Looking for Your Stories on Giftedness and Twice-Exceptionality, yellowreadis.com

So, if you have a child who is gifted or twice-exceptional . . .

Or if you are gifted or twice-exceptional . . .

And you have a few spare moments . . .

I would love for you to answer a few questions in my survey and tell me your stories on giftedness and twice-exceptionality.


Note: This is a non-scientific survey and though they may be printed (in whole or part) in my book, all responses will remain anonymous

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment, or you can contact me here. I'm Looking for Your Stories on Giftedness and Twice-Exceptionality for my Book. yellowreadis.com Image: Start Survey Button

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