For the next few days, instead of doing my usual will-I-survive-the-day routine, I’m at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Conference in Sydney!
I have given up wandering around our typical haunts, and I’m getting lost on the University of NSW’s campus instead. Hopefully I’ll find the conference location. It’s going to be a lot of fun – and I’m a little excited (and nervous).
I’m Doing a Presentation
You see, I’m not just going to the conference – I’m doing a presentation. If you catch me hyperventilating in the toilet, that’s my impostor syndrome taking over. That’s because I’ll be doing a poster presentation alongside some of the best researchers on gifted issues in the world.
Even so, it looks like a lot of fun. Come and say hello if you’re here too! My presentation is on:
3.30 – 4.00pm Friday 21st July
“Alternative education options for gifted and twice exceptional children”
I have the giant poster, I have a belly full of nerves, and I’d love to chat with anyone interested in home education and the wonderful in-between options available!
I Have a Book Title
The Gifted Homeschoolers Forum (GHF) have been lovely and are sponsoring me to the conference – amazingly my little bit of research for the book with GHF Press appears to have caught the eye of the WCGTC peeps.
And for those (like my mum) waiting with baited breath for the book (hi mum!), I now have a title,
“Gifted Myths”.
There are Many Wonderful Talks
I am very excited to finally be able to listen to talks by wonderful researchers who, until now, I have only read about (or trawled through their publication record) . I will try to keep everyone updated using the #gtchat tag – and I probably won’t be the only one.
One of the events that I am looking forward to is dropping into the Parent Networking Space over lunch-times and having a chat with Carol Barnes and the other wonderful ladies and gents from the GLD Australia group. Finally meeting these wonderful peeps will be awesome.
There are so many amazing talks. I’m probably going to wander around in a daze for large chunks of time as my brain explodes will all the new stuff.
It Will Be Awesome.
See you there!