Kathleen Humble is an author and homeschooling mum with ADHD in Australia to two wonderful twice-exceptional children: C aka Canary, and J aka Jubilee. In a past life, she was also a mathematician, computer programmer, and a children’s entertainer.
She has a number of publications, including a book, “Gifted Myths: An Easy-to-Read Guide to the Myths, Science and History of the Gifted and Twice-Exceptional” with GHF Press.
Yellow Readis combines two of her great passions: writing and advocating for homeschooling gifted/2E children.
To begin reading articles, you should Start Here.
Kathleen’s Publications
She has a book with GHF Press on Gifted Myths available now!
She is also working on her next book, “Cloud and the Blue Whale” through a Write-Ability Fellowship in 2018 with Writers Victoria.
GHF Learners
She was a guest at the GHF Conference 2021, for
“GHF Press — Perspectives on Giftedness: Sound Advice from Parents and Professionals“
She has a talk available through GHF learners,
“Expert Series – Professionals, S1 E1: Kathleen Humble Gifted Myths“
Aurora Remember
Listen to an interview with Aurora Remember,
“Episode 175: Champion of the Quirky Kids with Kathleen Humble”
Gifted Support Network
She has also done in-person talks for the Gifted Support Network on
‘Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Myths‘,
‘Blended, Multi-level Learning for Gifted and 2e Children‘.
WCGTC 2017
Kathleen also did a poster presentation at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Conference, 2017, “Alternative education options for gifted and twice exceptional children“
Magazines and Websites
Kathleen has written or been featured on a number of other websites and magazines.
In the Mighty
What It Feels Like to Be on ADHD Medication
In Otherways Magazine:
Home Educating Gifted and 2e Children in Victoria
Unschooling Ain’t the Boogie Man
The Avengers: A Short Unit Study
In Writers Victoria Magazine:
In the Victorian Writer 2019 February-March Issue, “Doing it for the Kids“
And on the HEN website:
Kathleen on the Origins of Yellow Readis
If you were wondering, the name Yellow Readis has its origins in two stories.
Yellow, as a child, was always the boot-colour of puss-in-boots. It didn’t matter that every picture had him in red or green or brown. He will always be in bright yellow boots in my mind’s eye. He is magic, brave, courageous and not afraid of telling a tall tale.
Readis is the name of one of my creations. He is a small, lovable owl, who is always anxious, loves to follow rules and is very easily flustered. But he is always brimming over with enthusiasm, particularly when he has a chance to learn and read. I have many adventures written about Readis tucked away in a cupboard. But he lives in my head, more often than not.
So to me, the name Yellow Readis is about being courageous even when I feel afraid or anxious – to be willing to step outside my comfort zone and explore new ideas, and occasionally tell a tale or two.
For social media and contact details, see my contact page.