Homeschooling Without a Car

Well, you’re going to have to buy a car.

It’s the first thing almost everyone says to us when we come upon one of those life transitions:
  • When I was pregnant with C (public transport with a baby?);
  • When I was pregnant with J (public transport with a baby and a toddler?!);
  •  When C was diagnosed with mobility issues (walking and public transport when your son needs walking therapy!?!);
  • Again when C was identified as gifted (all those extension programs, you’re going to need a car!);
  • When we began homeschooling (how will you get to all the activities?).

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Frugal Apartment 2e Homeschooling

There are many ways we have changed our lifestyle in order to be able to homeschool our children. Adjusting to the reality of a one-income family involved rethinking many of our assumptions about what we needed and what we could do without. It’s an ongoing process as our needs have changed over time. Some of our decisions have been lifestyle based, and some have been more focused on how we create an environment that is conductive to learning. So today I’d like to step through some of the things we do to try and keep us on the correct side of the ledger.

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