There’s been a lot of writing happening behind the scenes at Yellow Readis – just not on the website. But now we’re back and writing here too!
So what’s coming up?
Continue reading “Yellow Readis is Back and Writing!”There’s been a lot of writing happening behind the scenes at Yellow Readis – just not on the website. But now we’re back and writing here too!
So what’s coming up?
Continue reading “Yellow Readis is Back and Writing!”“What is it like to be on ADHD Medication?”, a friend asked me the day I started.
For me? It was a huge mental difference. Not a ‘high’, but a zen calm. It’s the feeling you would get after sitting down after a long hike up a mountain to visit a sub-tropical rainforest spring.But that’s only part of it. Because it’s hard to describe without also understanding what living without medication is like. Until I started, I had no idea either. I mean, I had read about the external symptoms and I’d ticked enough boxes to get myself to a specialist. But I didn’t really understand.
In fact, when I asked the specialist, in my usual worried way, “How will I know if it’s working?”, he’d smiled at me and said, “You will know.” I swear, I heard a Yoda-like cadence there, too.
As a parent who has spent, on average, a minimum of two days every week for the past 6 years going to hospitals, doctors and specialists, I have learned some harsh truths and had some amazing moments of pure serendipity. Somewhere along the way, I picked up a bit of wisdom, though it tends to get lost again pretty quickly. So while I wrestle wisdom to the ground in a head-lock, here are some hard-earned insights I have scraped together that I think are worth talking about.
Continue reading “Wrestling with Wisdom: Lessons I Have Learned About Dealing With Medical Issues”
My son C loves the macabre. He’s a sensitive boy; he can’t watch Finding Nemo, but strangely can watch Iron Man. And he’s not too fond of history when it doesn’t involve trains.
But even still, we have managed to find resources to get him engaged and interested in history – through the macabre. Continue reading “Macabre History”