Sometimes I can take it all in my stride.
Sometimes I forget, even for a moment, all that giftedness entails – and that’s when I run into the ‘oh, yeah, I forgot about that’ wall. Continue reading “The Breadth of Gifted Still Knocks Me Flat”
Sometimes I can take it all in my stride.
Sometimes I forget, even for a moment, all that giftedness entails – and that’s when I run into the ‘oh, yeah, I forgot about that’ wall. Continue reading “The Breadth of Gifted Still Knocks Me Flat”
I’ve been trying to come up with good introduction, something punchy, y’know. But I can’t. Closing my eyes I can hear my son avidly discussing trains with DH and my daughter thumping her fork on a table as she eats her breakfast. A few moments peace in order to coherently gather my thoughts, nope, not going to happen . . . oh well. It could be worse. I could be Theresa Wiggin.
Yellow Readis: Welcome to New York* |
This is a bit of an odd post, and it starts with a wonderful piece of writing by
Emily Pearl Kingsley called “Welcome to Holland”. (And there are also a number of other awesome parodies as well … )
It’s magical, it’s moving, and for many parents with neuro-atypical kids it helps. It did with me.
And yet, for profoundly gifted and 2e kids, it’s not – quite – right. So I have penned a (hopefully) humorous variation. My apologies to Emily in advance.
Continue reading “Welcome to New York”