We’re a geeky kind of family. With me being a mathematician and my DH an engineer, it would be hard to not be geeky. We’re also not going to score high on the ‘doing things conventionally’ test, if one of those existed. But sometimes, just sometimes, the paths my kids take to learn are so unconventional that they leave me with a feeling of stunned awe (and a little bit of ‘where in the sweet unicorns on a pegasus did that come from‘?).
What We Do When We’re Not Doing Anything
It’s been a week since we returned from our holiday (which I plan to write about soon), and we’ve come down with the Something-My-Child-Caught-While-Exploring-Germ-Covered-Surfaces bug. As a result, we’ve not exactly gone swinging back into our usual routine, but kind of limped close enough to wave dispiritedly in its direction.
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Sometimes life catches up with us in weird ways. We’ve been having a very busy November at the moment, and trying to make sure ‘everything’ happens when it needs to happen has been hard. And I’m not talking about fripperies, I’m talking about having enough time to do basic stuff like washing clothes and dishes. The stacks in our bathroom and kitchen are getting very high indeed at the moment.
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A Study in Rainbow
For want of a better phrase, little J has been busy creating her own unit study in colour.
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Architecture: The Capacity to Surprise
Every now and then C has the capacity to surprise me.
We had been waiting for the delivery of the LEGO Architecture Studio – the present he bought with the money he was given for his birthday. (And yes, he waited months until there was a sale so he could afford it – he’s good at waiting, actually.)
It arrived today.
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