Homeschool Diary: Politics and Statistics

Homeschool Diary, Politics and Statistics,, Image: Brass Door

Last week, I mentioned that C had paused in his desire to understand democracy and law. Well, the pause in learning about democracy never materialised. Partly because my DH brought him an awesome book on how one of the original Magna Carta’s ended up in Canberra which we have been slowly reading through it together. And partly because we just had a state election on the weekend.

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Unit Study: Bleach and Japan

Unit Study: Bleach and Japan Image: White Hollow mask on bricks

This is a unit study we stumbled upon awhile ago. You see, we love Anime in our house. And DH and I really love Bleach. In fact, the Bleach theme-song used to put C to sleep when he was a baby (The first one. Yes, the loud one!)

And life being what it is, years passed before we got back to watching it again… But we did. Every night, two episodes of anime for about 6+ months. It has become our ritual. What I didn’t expect was how it would morph into a corner-stone of our school experience. Continue reading “Unit Study: Bleach and Japan”