Climate Crisis: Things You Can Do When You Can’t Even

Even if you can’t be there in person on September 20th to protest for action on climate change, there are things you can do.

We will not be able to be there: our family’s disabilities mean hanging out in crowds at the best of times is a bad idea. But even if (like us) you can’t be there in person, there are things you can do to help with the climate strike.

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Coding Camp

Coding Camp, Image: Black Sand

It’s been a little busy here at homeschool central. And not in the usual way. I signed C up for a coding ‘camp’. No, not a real camp in the bush.  Actually just hanging out in a room with other kids who love programming, with mentors for each child to help them learn how to code. After one day, C begged to be able to go back – so I signed him up for another day – and that wrecked my schedule, so this post is a day late! But it was worth it. Continue reading “Coding Camp”

Homeschool Diary: Politics and Statistics

Homeschool Diary, Politics and Statistics,, Image: Brass Door

Last week, I mentioned that C had paused in his desire to understand democracy and law. Well, the pause in learning about democracy never materialised. Partly because my DH brought him an awesome book on how one of the original Magna Carta’s ended up in Canberra which we have been slowly reading through it together. And partly because we just had a state election on the weekend.

Continue reading “Homeschool Diary: Politics and Statistics”