Surprise Gluten-Free Scones

Surprise Scones

This is a recipe that surprised me. I have never been able to make anything like scones since I went gluten-free and no-to-low-dairy. I was trying to make biscuits. Instead, I ended up with these lovely gems. This isn’t quite the original recipe, as I overdid the flavours on the first attempt (too much rose syrup and dessicated coconut – I was trying for biscuits!). These are so light and fluffy it almost feels criminal.
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Creamy Asparagus Pasta

This is a recipe I do with and without dairy, depending on what’s in the cupboard. It’s a lovely simple white sauce base that goes well with most green vegetables (think peas, green beans, broad beans, and asparagus – though not all at once!). This recipe will be the dairy-free version, as there are countless recipes to do it the other way. This recipe very popular with my DH.
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Zucchini, Apple, Banana and Cinnamon Birthday Cake

Zucchini, Apple, Banana and Cinnamon Cake

I decided to go for a change of pace and do a nice cake recipe. Don’t worry – I’ll be back to the homeschooling series next post!!

This is the cake my other half requested for his birthday. As he doesn’t like icing or sweet cakes, this is my version of an almost-savoury cake that’s still dessert-like enough for a birthday. It won’t rise terribly high, but it’s a moist, almost bread-like cake with a crunchy outer shell – delicious!

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