Gifted and 2E Parenting

Gifted and 2e Parenting, Image: Bubbles on white background

Parenting Gifted and 2e kids, much like parenting in general, but only more-so, for me has been a journey into the unknown.

When C was a baby, I bought all the parenting books, and listened to the advice of the maternal and child health nurses. I spent hours trying to get him to nap during the day – as was developmentally appropriate. The advice just didn’t work, so I eventually muddled through, and it was only later that I discovered that gifted kids are wired differently, and have different developmental milestones.
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Are we really that far from ‘normal’?

It’s been an interesting few weeks. We finally got a diagnosis for C, only to discover that the diagnosis had been sitting in the ‘books’ for at least one year. A monumental stuff-up with the hospital administration meant all correspondence was going to the wrong doctor…

…but it’s OK now. I’m OK with that, I think. The diagnosis was not unexpected either – Cerebral Palsy. After all, the specialist who’s been treating him is a world-class medical researcher into CP. But still, it is … interesting.

We now have another set of letters to add to the list of medical conditions C has been accumulating.

And yet, and yet. My heart still wants to say, ‘We’re not that far from normal, are we?’
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Campervanning Across New Zealand on the 2e Bandwagon: Soothing The Sensitivities

Campervanning Across New Zealand on the 2e Bandwagon: Soothing Sensitivities, Image: Campervan in farmland with blue sky

It started as a dream 7 years ago, and a then, a few months ago we decided, why not? It was the same cost to fly to New Zealand as to fly and visit rellies interstate … we would live our dream.

So off to NZ we went. We had a whole list of things on our to do list. But dragging a toddler and primary schooler around NZ with as little stress as possible? That was the challenge.

Today I am going to go through the things that worked, and the things that didn’t.
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Educational Tricks for Keeping Up With a Natural Learner

Educational Tricks for Keeping Up with a Natural Learner, Image: You dog in white bucket

What are the tools and tricks I use regularly to help with educating my kids?

It’s a mix, really, but there are a few things that have helped make the journey a little easier.

C learns best when he is the one creating his own learning journey. And it is a privilege to watch how his mind works through problems. But it does occasionally leave me with a conundrum. How do I spontaneously have all the resources on hand that he needs, when he needs it?
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Welcome to New York

Yellow Readis: Welcome to New York*

This is a bit of an odd post, and it starts with a wonderful piece of writing by
Emily Pearl Kingsley called “Welcome to Holland”. (And there are also a number of other awesome parodies as well … )

It’s magical, it’s moving, and for many parents with neuro-atypical kids it helps. It did with me.

And yet, for profoundly gifted and 2e kids, it’s not – quite – right. So I have penned a (hopefully) humorous variation. My apologies to Emily in advance.
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