Get Gifted Myths: The Book

This is my easy-to-read guide to the myths, science and history of the gifted and twice exceptional. Because busy families don’t always have the time to look up the myths they to deal with every day, having a clear guide to the issues is a very much needed resource. Which is why I wrote it! This has been many years in the making, so I hope you enjoy it and find it useful too.

You can read more about it on this page below.

The Blurb

Is Giftedness a myth? What is a Gifted Child? Why is Giftedness such a hot-button issue? Where does the fear and dislike of ‘gifted’ come from?

Come on an adventure about how Mrs Einstein, newspaper articles from the 1920s, and the San people of the Kalahari Desert can help us understand what gifted is – and is not.

In an easy-to-read style, Gifted Myths explores these and other stories on the history, science, and lived experience of gifted and twice-exceptional families.

Gifted Myths is a must-read for parents, educators, and professionals who work with gifted and twice-exceptional children.

Buy Gifted Myths

Buy my book now on Amazon in paperback or on Kindle.

Advanced Praise for Gifted Myths

Never have I encountered a more simple, elegant and warmly accessible breakdown of the myriad myths that continue to plague the gifted community. From discerning the differences between IQ tests and achievement tests to taking on the well-meaning (but incredibly problematic) assertion that “all children are gifted,” Kathleen Humble leaves little doubt that this population deserves special consideration — and that their parents deserve support, encouragement and resources. (Yes, she thoughtfully includes several of those as well.) –

Pamela Price, “Gifted, Bullied, Resilient: A Brief Guide for Smart Families”

I love how Kathleen Humble has organized her book around the myths that have created so much misunderstanding for so long about what giftedness is and how gifted children can be identified and educated. Her writing is clear and engaging. Her personal examples and quotes from other parents add credibility and readability. Her reasoning is reliable. This book is a succinct guide for educators, parents, and anyone interested in creating a better world for gifted children and for all of us. 

Paula Prober, M.S.,  psychotherapist, “Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-Being of Gifted Adults and Youth”
"People believe in myths that are not true. Those myths shape attitudes. They shape access to services and who gets to access them." --Why Write a Book on Gifted Myths? Image: rumpled white cloth

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