My Kid is NOT Average, and Pride Has Nothing to Do With It.

My Kid is Not Average, and Pride Has Nothing to do with it,, Image: Purple flowers in grass

What can I say about the post, ‘My kid is average and I am oh so proud‘ ?

I can say that it makes me feel deeply uncomfortable. Maybe it’s the passive aggressive tone, maybe it’s the conflation of their child’s achievements and their own ego. I’m not sure.

What I think is damaging and breath-takingly dangerous about this post, is that it reinforces stereotypes that encourage discrimination and prejudice. Even if the opposite was the author’s intent. Which I’m not sure is the case.

Continue reading “My Kid is NOT Average, and Pride Has Nothing to Do With It.”

SF/Fantasy Gifted Homeschoolers Series: Have Spacesuit, Will Travel

SF/Fantasy Gifted Homeschoolers Series, Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, Image: Old photo of stars

This is part of a series of reviews on books that have gifted homeschoolers of one variety or another as protagonists. A few of these books are also actually sequels or one in a series. If so, I will say. As I explain here, not all these books will be suitable for children to read. But today’s book is one of the happy exceptions. Which is a Heinlein rarity!

Title: Have Spacesuit, Will Travel
Author: Robert A. Heinlein
Genre: SF

Disclaimer: This post may have  links to buy books, because if you want to read  this awesome books, I want to make it easier for you – I am a book-enabler.. But you can always hop over to your local library instead – libraries are cool.
Continue reading “SF/Fantasy Gifted Homeschoolers Series: Have Spacesuit, Will Travel”

A Typical Week

Raising a 2e child, like raising any child is both a joy and a struggle. I don’t often talk about the struggle, because I find myself focusing on the positive as much as possible – it makes for a happier me. But the struggle is there, it is real, and it is mixed in with all the rest in a crazy-quilt jumble. So I thought I might walk you through a typical week in our house. This week.
Continue reading “A Typical Week”

SF/Fantasy Gifted Homeschoolers Series: Dune

SF/Fantasy Gifted Homeschoolers Series, Dune, Image: Old photo of stars

I am going to do a series of reviews on books that have gifted homeschoolers of one variety or another as protagonists. Now there is a caveat here: I haven’t included stories where the protagonist didn’t get an ‘education’ because of deprivation, i.e. like Dragonflight’s Lessa. These will be stories where education and homeschooling actually are talked about within the story, and if possible, form an integral part of the storytelling.

A few of these books are also actually sequels or one in a series. If so, I will say. And explain why the earlier books don’t count! (Though they’re usually also a great read).

Not all these books will be suitable for children to read. This is not designed to be a list to hand to your child. But will, I hope, open the door for books that most will not think about as ‘homeschooling’ books. I hope it’s fun too. Enjoy!

So to kick this off, I’m starting with a classic.

NB. This post has links to buy books – because if you want to read awesome books (or consume their media derivatives) , I want to make it easier for you – I am a book-enabler. . But you can always hop over to your local library instead – libraries are cool.

Title: Dune
Author: Frank Herbert
Genre: SF Continue reading “SF/Fantasy Gifted Homeschoolers Series: Dune”

Homeschooling My Gifted Kid, Part 3: The Twice Exceptional Wrinkle

Homeschooling My Gifted Kid Part 3: The Twice Exceptional Wrinkle, Image: Old Map

In this third part on our convoluted journey to homeschooling, I’d like to talk about what twice exceptional means – and a bit about what it feels like to parent such kids!

This is not meant to be a definitive guide for people trying to discover more about twice exceptional kids. This is just our personal journey, and a few of the curious signposts along the way.

Continue reading “Homeschooling My Gifted Kid, Part 3: The Twice Exceptional Wrinkle”