Gifted and 2e: An Exceptionally Different Road

Gifted and 2e: An Exceptionally Different Road, Image: Green leafy ground cover

It can be easy to think of exceptions as things that need to be fixed, to treat difference as something that needs to be shoved back into the box (even while we laud the idea of individuality). But living with my fantastic twice exceptional little tribe has taught me a very valuable lesson: there is no path. There is no right way to do anything, and the exception can be just as beautiful and amazing as the more familiar way. Continue reading “Gifted and 2e: An Exceptionally Different Road”

Homeschooling Without a Car

Well, you’re going to have to buy a car.

It’s the first thing almost everyone says to us when we come upon one of those life transitions:
  • When I was pregnant with C (public transport with a baby?);
  • When I was pregnant with J (public transport with a baby and a toddler?!);
  •  When C was diagnosed with mobility issues (walking and public transport when your son needs walking therapy!?!);
  • Again when C was identified as gifted (all those extension programs, you’re going to need a car!);
  • When we began homeschooling (how will you get to all the activities?).

Continue reading “Homeschooling Without a Car”