Welcome to Gluten-Free Mum, aka Yellow Readis. Start here to read posts by Kathleen Humble, writer and homeschooling mum to two twice-exceptional children.
To find out more about Kathleen, see the about page.
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Find out about her book, Gifted Myths. Or buy now on Amazon.
Get Started
Here are a few posts by topic:
- Gifted vs. Gifted
- Darn Those Mythological Gifted Kids Who Are a Construct of Our Social Norms
- Gifted . . .You Know What That Means, Right?
- Homeschooling My Gifted Kid, Part 2: What the Bleep is PG!?
- The Everyone is Gifted POS, again.
- Giftedness: Why does it Matter?
- Twice Exceptional: What’s Going On Here?
- ADHD and Giftedness: It’s Complicated
- My Kid is NOT Average, and Pride Has Nothing to Do With It.
- Are we really that far from ‘normal’?
- Gifted and 2E Parenting
- Is My Gifted Child Autistic?
- Normalising Disability
- Dealing with Diagnosis Soup
All posts on twice-exceptionality.
- Why We Homeschool
- Unschooling Aint the Boogie Man
- I don’t want to teach my kids maths, I want my kids to LIVE Maths
- The Adam Savage School of Homeschooling
- Creating an Unschooling Environment for my 2e Kids
- Modern Maths to Do With Your Primary Schoolers: Fractals
- Ad Hoc Terrariums
- Campervanning Across New Zealand on the 2e Bandwagon: Strewing Education
- Campervanning Across NZ on the 2e Bandwagon: Catering to Obsessions
- Campervanning Across New Zealand on the 2e Bandwagon: Soothing The Sensitivities
- Architecture: The Capacity to Surprise
- Educational Tricks for Keeping Up With a Natural Learner
- Fostering Creative Play in 2e Homeschooling
You can have a look at some of Kathleen’s favourite recipes here.
Other Topics
Or for a complete topic list, check out the archive!