Coding Camp

Coding Camp, Image: Black Sand

It’s been a little busy here at homeschool central. And not in the usual way. I signed C up for a coding ‘camp’. No, not a real camp in the bush.  Actually just hanging out in a room with other kids who love programming, with mentors for each child to help them learn how to code. After one day, C begged to be able to go back – so I signed him up for another day – and that wrecked my schedule, so this post is a day late! But it was worth it. Continue reading “Coding Camp”

Living in My Head

A long time ago, so long it’s BC (Before Children), I decided to write a novel. I took a year, battled the muse, created so much stuff that it can be hard to store and that’s just the paper-trail, not the electronic dump! And then I put it aside, got a job and went on with life. That was that.

The problem is, that though I can stuff all the chapters in a cupboard to gather dust, I can’t remove them from my head. My characters haunt me. Every now and then, they will pop out at an inopportune moment (is there an opportune moment I wonder?) and insist that I need to get on with it – they’re not getting any younger. . .
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2014 In Review

2014 in Review, Image: Yellow rose

I had grand plans to write an amazing review of all my posts for 2014 – as well as all the cool stats that I can extract from the data on my lovely readers. Alas, I have been knocked over by yet-another-thing-my-kids-picked-up-on-a-train. They really have a talent for that. I suppose most of the credit goes to J for her hatred of hand-washing and love of tasting metal poles. (I still haven’t figured that one out.) So, without more ado, because the ado is shivering under a blanket, I present my top posts of 2014.
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Playing Label Bingo

This week was not a good week.

So far we have managed, between my two children, to tick the boxes on a fair swathe of far too many major chronic diseases. It’s like we’re holding a bingo contest in a doctor’s surgery as they cry out various diagnoses terms, and I’m sitting there with a  blank look and a pencil marking them off against some sort of ineffable list. I call it playing label bingo.
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Homeschool Diary: Politics and Statistics

Homeschool Diary, Politics and Statistics,, Image: Brass Door

Last week, I mentioned that C had paused in his desire to understand democracy and law. Well, the pause in learning about democracy never materialised. Partly because my DH brought him an awesome book on how one of the original Magna Carta’s ended up in Canberra which we have been slowly reading through it together. And partly because we just had a state election on the weekend.

Continue reading “Homeschool Diary: Politics and Statistics”