Scheduling the Chaos

It’s been a while since I’ve had time to write a post. This has less to do with actually being over-the-top busy (which is almost always the case), and more to do with being completely disorganized!

So last week I decided ( after we showed up over half and hour late to a gymnastics class) that I needed to put a bit of scheduling into our free-form natural-learning journey.

This week is our trial week. And so far it has been a success. So far.
Continue reading “Scheduling the Chaos”

Tools to Tame the Rule Monster: A Review of Fluxx

Tools to Tame the Rule Monster: A Review of Fluxx, IMages: A game of Fluxx being played, boxes of different versions of Fluxx

It was a number of years before children that I was first introduced to Fluxx. A good friend brought the game out at a party (the kind of party where everyone ends up watching old Dr Who episodes until the early hours). I remember it being a blast, but didn’t really think about it again for many years.

Then my son fell in love with board and card games, and my DH remembered ‘this old game that was kind of cool’. We now have 4 different versions of the game and they get played regularly. It has become an essential part of our homeschool. Continue reading “Tools to Tame the Rule Monster: A Review of Fluxx”