2014 In Review

2014 in Review, yellowreadis.com Image: Yellow rose

I had grand plans to write an amazing review of all my posts for 2014 – as well as all the cool stats that I can extract from the data on my lovely readers. Alas, I have been knocked over by yet-another-thing-my-kids-picked-up-on-a-train. They really have a talent for that. I suppose most of the credit goes to J for her hatred of hand-washing and love of tasting metal poles. (I still haven’t figured that one out.) So, without more ado, because the ado is shivering under a blanket, I present my top posts of 2014.
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Homeschool Diary: Politics and Statistics

Homeschool Diary, Politics and Statistics, yellowreadis.com, Image: Brass Door

Last week, I mentioned that C had paused in his desire to understand democracy and law. Well, the pause in learning about democracy never materialised. Partly because my DH brought him an awesome book on how one of the original Magna Carta’s ended up in Canberra which we have been slowly reading through it together. And partly because we just had a state election on the weekend.

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Homeschool Diary: Democracy and the Rule of Law


Background image public domain from https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/magna-carta-1215


There’s a section in the registration document for homeschooling in Victoria that states that we agree that our children:

“will receive regular and efficient instruction …[in]… the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:

  • elected government
  • the rule of law
  • equal rights for all before the law”
Which sounds worthy, important … and to be honest, a little dull. The thing is, I think this stuff is awesome, amazing and full of all the drama, deaths and explosions you would expect from a Hollywood blockbuster.

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Sometimes life catches up with us in weird ways. We’ve been having a very busy November at the moment, and trying to make sure ‘everything’ happens when it needs to happen has been hard. And I’m not talking about fripperies, I’m talking about having enough time to do basic stuff like washing clothes and dishes. The stacks in our bathroom and kitchen are getting very high indeed at the moment.
Continue reading “Crazy-vember”