Why Write a Book on Gifted Myths?

When a family seeks help for their child, myths on giftedness are often weaponised against them. The desperation I saw among families – and even my own desperation at times – lead me to write my book on the history and science of Gifted Myths.

From the moment I realised we were on this roller-coaster of a journey, I have had as much to unlearn as to learn. Almost everything I knew, or thought I knew was wrong.

Myths Emerge For Many Reasons

Stories are often more potent that truth. Myths emerge to fill the gap in our knowledge, or even tell stories that make us feel more comfortable. Even real, but out-dated research can get twisted in translation, generating more myths.

Myths – and the people who believe them – can cause a lot of damage. Sometimes deliberately to deny services to children who need help. Sometimes it’s just good people making mistakes due to poor information. Both hurt.

The Education System Failed My Kids

There’s a reason I’m here writing, while homeschooling my kids. I had no burning passion to buck the education system. It’s because the education system failed my kids.

And one of the core reasons that happened is because people believe in myths that are not true. Those myths shape attitudes. They shape access to services and who gets to access them.

Why Me? Why This Book?

There were a lot of good people who did not so good things that shaped why I am here. I wanted a chance to find out why that happened. What forces shaped what people believe today? What was the history, the research behind it? And how did this shape policies and procedures that lead me to the choices I had to make. (Which not everyone can make.)

And I do hope – at least a little – that maybe a few people might read what I wrote, and change their mind.

If only one family doesn’t have to go through what we went through? Then this whole thing will be worthwhile.

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Edited to add: To answer questions I have been asked, the utterly wonderful Galaxy pen featured in the image is from the amazing wood turner, Guil the Bearded Woodworker.

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