Gifted Myths Available Now!

Well, today is the day. You can now buy my book ‘Gifted Myths‘!

Buy it here on Amazon – paperback or Kindle.

This has been years in the making, and there have been many tears and sleepless nights along the way. Along the way, I have been profoundly touched by all the stories people have shared with me, and now I am able to share them with you too.

Gifted Myths Available Now! |

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Image: Three blue hardcover books in a pile with a sparkly brown pen

This started years ago with an idea: why do we have these myths about giftedness?

An Idea Sparked – Which Lead to This Book

As a (failed) PhD student, from too many years ago, I have always felt comfortable reading an analyzing science papers. And with gifted research, I was startled by the massive gap between what the science said, and what people actually believed.

Why was there such a massive gap?

Then followed years of digging and reading. Going down blind alleys, finding amazing nuggets of knowledge. Some of which even made it into the book!

Cutting Through the Techno-Babble

What struck me as I read, was the massive language barrier: Though it looks like it’s written in English, science journal are hard for non-science peeps to understand. You need so much built-in knowledge to grapple with it first!

That sparked the idea to find an easier way for peeps to get that knowledge. Now, I am NOT an expert. I’m a mum of two wonderful kids who are very different. I have tried, as best as I am able, to collate so many fields into something that will be easy for a frazzled, tired parent to read. That won’t require sitting with a dictionary open to finish a sentence. (Yes, I did that.)

I am sure I got some things wrong. But, hey, I have ADHD and large dollops of anxiety to match: I always feel like I’ve gotten things wrong. Existential dread is my pet familiar.

Hopefully, though, this book will help if you are looking for a quick primer on what giftedness is about, and some of the crazy things people will say about giftedness, and probably you and your family!

And now, you will have a bit more knowledge on how to counter those myths and stories.

I hope you enjoy the journey.

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