It’s that time of year when it’s worth reviewing how last year has gone. Pardon it being a little late, but these stats are hand-cranked.
OK 2013, here we go …
You, my lovely readers, viewed this blog 3968 times.
Top 10 Sites
And the Top 10 Sites you viewed were:
Homeschooling my Gifted Kid, Part 2: What the Bleep is PG?
Edwardian Fishtail Dress – Part 1
I don’t want to teach my kids maths, I want my kids to LIVE Maths
Homeschooling my Gifted Kid, Part 3: The Twice Exceptional Wrinkle
Homeschooling my Gifted Kid, Part 1: How Learning Happens
Putting Together a Chemistry Curriculum
Taipei 101 Cake
The Hell of “Socialization”
Normalising Disability
How we Homeschool, Part 1
With the top entry garnering 355 views. There were also a few posts in there from 2012 that just kept being popular, which was a nice surprise!
Top 5 Recipes
The top 5 Recipes (which had a lot less traffic so I’m putting them separately) were:
Taipei 101 Cake
The “Yummy” Dinner
Almost But Not Quite Completely Unlike ANZAC Biscuits
Surprise Gluten-Free Scones
Creamy Asparagus Pasta
Other Stats
And the post with the most comments in 2013 was Normalising Disability. There were also lots of comments in Facebook groups – alas, this old crank ain’t got time to trawl through the wonderful Facebook groups to aggregate all the lovely comments and help I have received over the past year. So I’ll just give a big wave and thank you to Gifted Homescoolers Forum, and the GHF Writers Group, Highly Gifted+ NZ and Around the World, Hoagies Gifted Education Page and all the people who sent me private messages.
In 2013, there were 22 posts in total on Gluten-Free Mum: 12 focusing on homeschooling, 6 focused on gifted and 2e issues, 6 recipes and 3 random ramblings.
Where did you view them from?
59% from the United States,
25% from Australia,
3% each from Germany, Russia, and the UK,
2% from France,
and 1% each from New Zealand, Canada, China and Malaysia.
The rest of the world took up a whopping 1%.
You preferred to view it on Windows, iPhone, Mac, iPad, or Android using Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, or OS;FBSV. If anyone knows what the last is, please let me know!
And to polish it all off, I’d like to say a big thank you to all my readers. I hope you had a great year, and I look forward to our conversations in 2014.
So, did you have any favourite posts? Or did any of my posts give you a kick in the direction of something else that you found cool or useful?